From 22 November 2022, the email address for the Recordkeeping Standards and Advice (RSA) team has changed to The phone number for RSA ((02) 9714 3080) will remain the same.

Please use the above contact information in place of contact details provided in previous issues of For the Record. Any emails sent to the old email address ( however, will be redirected.

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Issue 165 - June 2024

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Individuals who have been identified as Senior Responsible Officers (SRO) and Records Management Contacts within NSW public offices will automatically be subscribed. For the Record is one of our primary means of communicating with NSW public offices. 

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Publication Details

For the Record is a publication of:

State Records Authority NSW
Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade

Telephone: 02 9714 3080
Post: PO Box 516, Kingswood NSW 2747

Copyright in the material which appears in For the Record is, subject to the operation of the Copyright Act 1968, vested in the Crown in the right of the State of New South Wales. In keeping with the NSW Government's commitment to encouraging the availability, dissemination and exchange of information (and subject to the operation of the Act), you are welcome to reproduce the material which appears in For the Record for personal, in-house or non-commercial use, without formal permission or charge.

URLs cited in For the Record are current at the time of publication. Over time the content of web pages at these URLs may change or a page may cease to be available at that URL.

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