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Introduction to good recordkeeping

This short animation introduces employees in NSW public offices - public sector bodies such as NSW Government agencies, local councils, local health districts, State owned corporations and universities - to the importance of good recordkeeping.  

Public office employees at all levels should watch it to understand their roles and responsibilities as public office recordkeepers. Click here to view.

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Online training modules

By following this link to the  State Records NSW Learning Portal you can access our free online training modules on records management and recordkeeping in the NSW public sector.

The table below outlines the intended audience for each module and the time required to complete the module (mostly around 20 minutes). 

If you have any difficulties in accessing the modules, have suggestions for further online courses, or would like to embed these modules in your organisation’s learning system, please contact us.

Recordkeeping concepts

Audience:  All public office employees
Time required: 30 minutes
This module assists all staff of public offices who create, receive or manage records in the course of their daily duties to understand key records management concepts.  These concepts provide an essential foundation for managing records in the NSW public sector. 

Recordkeeping and you

Audience:  All public office employees
Time required: 20 minutes

This module assists all staff in the organisation to understand their broad responsibilities for making and managing records when working for the NSW government.

Note: The module is largely based on the National Archives of Australia's Keeping the Knowledge module. Copyright for this material is held by the National Archives of Australia. See the Terms and Conditions specific to this module for more information.

Email management

Audience:  All public office employees
Time required: 20 minutes
This module assists all staff who send or receive emails in the course of their duties when working for public offices  to understand requirements in relation to the creation, capture, management, storage and disposal of email. 

Digital recordkeeping concepts

Audience:  All public office employees
Time required: 30 minutes
This module assists all staff of public offices to understand digital recordkeeping concepts and frameworks.  These concepts provide an essential foundation for managing records in the NSW public sector.

Recordkeeping and you: supervisors and managers

Audience: Supervisors and managers of public officer employees, and Records and Information Managers
Time required: 20 minutes
This module assists all supervisors and managers in the organisation to understand their recordkeeping responsibilities when working in NSW government.

Framework for records and information management in NSW

Audience: Records and Information Managers
Time required: 20 minutes
This module assists Records and Information Managers understand the legislative, policy and business frameworks for records and information management in the NSW public sector.

How to dispose of records

Audience: Records and Information Managers and all public office employees who need to know how to dispose of records
Time required: 20 minutes
This module assists Records and Information Managers and employees involved in the disposal of records understand the legislative framework and processes for disposing of records when working in a public office in NSW

Role of the Senior Responsible Officer

Audience: Senior Responsible Officers
Time required: 15 minutes
The Senor Responsible Officer (SRO) is the person in an organisation who has been assigned strategic responsibility and oversight of records and information management.  This module explains in detail what a SRO is, what is expected of them and why the role is important.  It also provides guidance to assist the SRO to perform their role.
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Briefing sessions and workshops

State Records NSW regularly offers briefing sessions and workshops on various topics, such as recordkeeping and business systems.

Those interested in briefings or workshops are encouraged to subscribe to our newsletter, For the Record, or to attend our Records Managers’ Forums. These are two ways we regularly communicate with public offices regarding new developments and training opportunities. 

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