Classification is a fundamental function in records management. Classification is the

"systematic identification and arrangement of business activities and/or records into categories according to logically structured conventions, methods, and procedural rules represented in a classification system."
(AS ISO 15489.1, 3.5)

In records management, records are classified according to the business functions and activities which generate the records. This functional approach to classification means that classification can be used for a range of records management purposes, including appraisal and disposal, determining handling, storage and security requirements, and setting user permissions, as well as providing a basis for titling and indexing.

In records management, records are classified according to the business functions and activities which generate the records. This functional approach means that classification can be used for a range of records management purposes including:

  • appraisal and disposal
  • determining handling, storage and security requirements
  • setting access and user permissions, and
  • providing a basisfor titling and indexing.

For further information on developing a records classification scheme, see:

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What is a thesaurus?

A thesaurus is a tool which incorporates the records classification scheme into an alphabetical listing of terms. It establishes the controlled language for titling and indexing records. The thesaurus documents the relationships between terms and refers users to the correct term to use.

In a thesaurus:

  • keywords or first level terms describe broad business functions
  • activity descriptors or second level terms describe business activities
  • subject descriptors or third level terms describe subjects or topics that connect related business transactions.

The terms used in a thesaurus are “authorised terms”, i.e. those terms which the organisation has agreed best describe the business functions and activities of the organisation. These authorised terms can be supplemented by free text, such as the name of an organisation, an individual or a project. The terms are arranged hierarchically from the broadest to the most specific concept: keyword – activity descriptor – subject descriptors and/or free text.

While commonly associated with registry or hard-copy file systems, thesauri can be used for records in any format and in any technological environment.

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Keyword AAA and Keyword for Councils

Keyword AAA (developed 1995) and Keyword for Councils (developed 2000-2001) are two records management thesauri developed by State Records NSW. These products are widely used within NSW Government and other government jurisdictions. Both products were sold on a commercial basis.

In 2021 State Records NSW discontinued the sale of Keyword AAA and Keyword for Councils and both products are freely available for download and use from our website under a creative commons licence. Copies of the products are available from the Keyword AAA and Keyword for Councils webpages.

This change does not affect the status of licence agreements for Keyword AAA and Keyword for Councils. However, if your organisation wishes to terminate the licence agreement for Keyword AAA or Keyword for Councils, you may terminate your agreement with State Records NSW by downloading the deed of termination and forwarding the completed deed to for it to be counter-signed.

If you have any queries about the new arrangements, please contact us at

Published April 2014 / revised February 2015 / revised May 2018/revised April 2022/revised December 2023

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Recordkeeping Advice