Section 13(3) of the State Records Act 1998 requires State Records NSW to consult with public offices on any proposed standard or code of best practice prior to its approval. 

We seek feedback and input from your organisation on a revised storage standard and the renewal of AS ISO 15489:2017 as the Code of Best Practice.

Revised storage standard

In 2023 State Records NSW sought public office feedback on the Standard on the physical storage of State records (issued February 2019). Forty-four public offices responded to our survey and provided valuable comments and suggestions.

The revised storage Standard resulting from this review establishes minimum requirements for the storage of physical State records and will guide public offices in decisions and actions for storing State records that will ensure:

  • all physical records are controlled, secure, protected, and accessible for as long as they are required, to meet business and accountability needs, and that 

  • all physical records required as State archives are stored in conditions that meet the requirements of the standard.

Key changes to the revised Standard include the following.

Changes to storage environment conditions and housing requirements (Table A and B)

  • Amalgamation of the short term (retain up to 10 years) and medium term (retain 10 – 30 years) categories for records storage into one category for short term temporary records (records to be retained up to 30 years and then destroyed).

  • Table A (Short Term Records) has been simplified and now only has two categories of physical formats: Standard archive and museum formats and Audio-visual and film formats. All short term records, regardless of format, will be stored at one range of temperature and relative humidity rather than the five different ranges in the current Standard. Table A requests public offices to contact MHNSW for further advice on storage conditions if they have acetate or nitrate formats.

  • Reduction in the temperature range for Short Term Records from 15-27°C to 15-25°C; this temperature range mirrors the temperature range for Standard archive and museum formats for long term records in Table B.

  • Reduction in range of relative humidity for short term records, and those long term records in the Standard archive and museum format category from 30-60% RH to 40-60% RH.

  • Table B (Long Term Records and State archives) has been simplified and now only has two categories of physical formats: Standard archive and museum formats and Audio-visual and film formats. Each of the two categories of formats has its own range of temperature and relative humidity; the previous Table B had nine categories of formats, with temperature and relative humidity ranges for each format. Table B requests public offices to contact MHNSW for further advice on storage conditions if they have acetate or nitrate formats, or colour film.

Requirement to notify us of loss or damage to records

  • A new minimum compliance requirement for public offices to formally notify State Records NSW if there is damage or loss to records.

Minor revisions

  • Removed minimum compliance requirement 1.4 [Records storage facilities built since 2011 are compliant with the Building Code of Australia and associated codes at the time of construction] as other regulation covers the requirement.

  • Updated minimum compliance requirement 1.7 [
    Storage areas and facilities have appropriate and comprehensive fire detection and protection systems and equipment, in compliance with the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards].

  • Amalgamation of some minimum compliance requirements due to duplication (3.1 regarding shelving and 3.2 regarding containers have merged into 3.1, 5.2 and 5.3 both regarding handling have merged into 5.2)

  • Amended minimum compliance requirement 4.2 [Regular checks of records and containers in the storage facility to identify any signs of pest infestation, mould, or other deterioration] to include shelving.

  • Updated minimum compliance requirement 6.2 [Security classified records are stored in appropriate containers and storage zones within the storage area] to reference the Protective Security Policy Framework.

The revised storage Standard is available at

Submissions on the revised Standard will be accepted until 30 August 2024 and may be sent by email to or by post to State Records NSW, PO Box 516 Kingswood NSW 2747.

Renewing the Code of Best Practice

Codes of best practice are industry standards that represent national best practice. The Code of Best Practice underpins and supports mandatory requirements in Standards issued by State Records NSW by providing further information about processes, practices or systems that can assist your organisation in understanding and implementing requirements. 

The Australian standard AS ISO 15489.1: 2017 Information and documentation – Records management, Part 1: Concepts and principles was approved in 2018 as a code of best practice for records management under the State Records Act.

State Records NSW proposes to renew AS ISO 15489.1 as a code of best practice for records management for NSW public offices for a further five years. 

Copies of AS ISO 15489.1: 2017 are available for viewing in the State Archives Reading Room (161 O'Connell Street, Kingswood) during business hours. Copies of AS ISO 15489.1: 2017 can also be purchased from Standards Australia at .  

Submissions on the renewal of AS ISO 15489.1: 2017 as the Code of Best Practice will be accepted until 30 August 2024 and may be sent by email to or by post to State Records NSW, PO Box 516 Kingswood NSW 2747.