Information is a primary organisational asset that is needed now and into the future. Good recordkeeping underpins the provision of good business information.
Good recordkeeping can be your proof that you have made considered decisions and taken appropriate actions. Records become your protection if you are questions or challenged. Without them, you are at risk.
Good recordkeeping can not only protect you but can support your organisation in legal or other challenges. It also protects the rights of your clients and ensures that they have what they are entitled to. Without records, your organisation and your clients are at risk.
Good recordkeeping can also help you to comply with a range of legislation and prevent legal challenges arising. It is a very powerful risk mitigation tool. It also ensures that records are destroyed in a timely way which again mitigates risk.
Good recordkeeping doesn’t only support your business now. It also supports it in the future.
With the challenges of media degradation, rapid technological change and the barrage of new formats and applications lacking inherent recordkeeping capability, this task is not easy and requires planning and vigilance.
Some government business information will continue to be needed for a long time into the future. For example:
- information that documents the rights and entitlements of staff and clients will be needed to ensure rights and entitlements are honoured now and in the future
- information about the expenditure of major public funds or the decision-making process for major policy developments will continue to be needed by organisations to demonstrate their accountability
- information about the construction of bridges, roads and other public infrastructure will be needed to manage those assets in the future
- key information will continue to be needed to document the rich history of our localities, our states and our nation.
Good recordkeeping ensures that longer term needs for information are identified at creation and that the right information is sustained and remains accessible for as long as it is needed.