Most COVID-19 records relate to immunisation programs for staff and security for premises. They can be sentenced using the General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) or General retention and disposal authority: local government records (GA39). The Health sector also uses GDA17 and GDA21. In short, sentence COVID-19 records as per your usual practice.

A further consideration with COVID-19-related records is to ensure that they may be readily identified and retrieved in your agency’s records management system. It is suggested that appropriate metadata be added to these records such as the tag ‘COVID-19’ or similar identifier. That way, if future management requirements are placed on these records, they can easily be identified, retrieved and exported if required.

Below are some scenarios that may arise in your agency with respect to COVID-19-related records. If you discover other scenarios that may be relevant to any NSW government agency that are not listed here, or have any other records-related enquiries, please contact us at


Scenario 1: Your agency has changed its telecommuting policy and other operational procedures due to new social-distancing requirements arising from the COVID-19 pandemic

General authority: administrative records (GA28) - Policies


Final, approved versions of the organisation's policies on cross-functional or organisation-wide matters, e.g. equal employment opportunity policies, fraud control policies, internal circulars, code of conduct, and associated correspondence indicating who the policies apply to and responsibilities for their implementation.

Retain minimum of 7 years after policy is superseded, then destroy


Records relating to the development and review of the organisation's policies on cross-functional or organisation-wide matters, e.g. equal employment opportunity policies, fraud control policies, internal circulars, codes of conduct. Records include:

  • policy proposals
  • background research
  • draft versions of policies containing significant changes/alterations or formally circulated for comment
  • notes of meetings or reports analysing issues and the outcomes of consultation with employees, unions, stakeholders etc.

Retain minimum of 3 years after action completed, then destroy


General authority: administrative records (GA28) - Procedures



Final, approved versions of manuals, handbooks, directives etc detailing the organisation's procedures on cross-functional or organisation-wide matters, e.g. equal employment opportunity, fraud control, quality assurance, and associated correspondence indicating who the procedures apply to and responsibilities for their implementation.

Retain minimum of 5 years after procedures are superseded, then destroy



Records relating to the development and review of the organisation's manuals, handbooks, directives etc.detailing the organisation's procedures on cross-functional or organisation-wide matters, e.g. equal employment opportunity, fraud control, quality assurance. Records include:

  • background research
  • draft versions of procedures containing significant changes/alterations or formally circulated for comment
  • reports analysing issues and the outcomes of consultation with employees, unions, other stakeholders etc.

Retain minimum of 3 years after action completed, then destroy

NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under the General retention and disposal authority: local government records GA39 CORPORATE MANAGEMENT – Policy 4.12 and Procedures-4.13.

Scenario 2: Your agency’s management sends out regular updates to staff and/or to the public on how policies and projects are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

General retention and disposal authority: administrative records (GA28) - Advice to staff

15.1.1 PERSONNEL - Advice

Records relating to the provision of advice and assistance to employees about employment conditions, career, personal matters, trauma, finances, salaries, superannuation etc. Includes orientation advice for new employees and rehabilitation or return to work assistance not related to a compensation case. Records include notes, reports, etc.

Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy


Advice to general public: GA28:

2.15.1 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media relations

Final, approved versions of media releases issued by the organisation.

Required as State archives

2.15.2 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media relations

Records relating to administrative arrangements concerning the organisation's dealings with the media including the distribution of media releases, organisation of interviews and general media access.

Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy

2.15.3 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media relations

Copies of media items relating to the organisation's operations or events, functions etc hosted by or involving the organisation. Records include news and electronic media items, transcripts or recordings.

Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy

NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under General retention and disposal authority Local Government records (GA39) at PERSONNEL– Employment Conditions 22.6 and COMMUNITY RELATIONS-Media Liaison 2.12.

Scenario 3: Your team is conducting a daily or weekly video chat to check in with each other about issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

General authority: administrative records (GA28)  - Team meetings


Records relating to routine general and section or unit meetings of employees and administrative arrangements for meetings. Records include:

  • meeting notifications
  • agenda and minutes
  • catering arrangements
  • venue bookings
  • accommodation and transport arrangements
  • related correspondence.

Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy


NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under General retention and disposal authority: local government records (GA39) at CORPORATE MANAGEMENT - Meetings 2.9.

Scenario 4: Your Council is informing the public via social media or website re: park, library, beach or public area closures and/or safety tips, availability of support and assistance, hotlines, etc. during the COVID-19 pandemic

General retention and disposal authority Local Government records (GA39) - Legal enforcement of closures



Records relating to campaigns to raise awareness of laws and regulatory requirements and/or improve compliance. Records include:

draft and final versions of campaign material such as brochures, booklets and circulars

project plans for the conduct of campaigns.

Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy

General retention and disposal authority Local Government records (GA39) - Media advice to general public

2.12.1 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media Liaison

Copies of media items relating to the organisation's operations or events, functions, etc., hosted by or involving the organisation. Records include news-cuttings, transcripts and electronic media items such as web postings.

Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy

2.12.2  COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media Liaison

Final approved versions of media releases issued by the organisation.

Required as State archives

2.12.3 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media Liaison

Records relating to administrative arrangements concerning the organisation's dealings with the media including the provision of routine information and distribution of media releases, organisation of interviews, general media access.

Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy

2.12.4 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Media Liaison

Records relating to the acquisition of services to support the conduct of community, public relations, marketing or public profile raising activities, e.g. news-cuttings services, where there is no tendering or contracting-out process, i.e. where the cost of the acquisition is below the threshold for tendering. Records include:

  • requests for quotes and orders
  • minutes or notes of meetings with service providers
  • performance and evaluation reports
  • related correspondence.

Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy

Scenario 5: Your agency is conducting external meetings virtually or via teleconference in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. You need to create and keep records of these meetings.

Please check our guidance - Recordings of virtual meetings

The records relating to meetings are covered by:

General authority: administrative records (GA28) - Inter-agency meetings



Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation provides the secretariat and (2) the committee was established for the purposes of strategic planning or policy development and considers issues impacting on the core functions or responsibilities of the organisation. Records include:

  • records of the establishment of the committee, its terms of reference, memoranda of understanding, etc.
  • records of nomination, appointment, resignation or termination of members
  • authorisations by the organisation to participate
  • agenda and minutes
  • advice and briefing papers
  • submissions and reports
  • recommendations and resolutions
  • correspondence arising from business discussed or resolutions passed.

Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose and significance or influence of its decision making. 

Required as State archives



Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation does not provide the secretariat or (2) where the organisation provides the secretariat but the Committee considers operational matters or matters relating to administrative or non-core functions of the organisation. Records include:

  • records of the establishment of the committee, its terms of reference, memoranda of understanding, etc.
  • records of nomination, appointment, resignation or termination of members
  • authorisations by the organisation to participate
  • agenda and minutes
  • advice and briefing papers
  • submissions and reports
  • recommendations and resolutions
  • correspondence arising from business discussed or resolutions passed.

Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose. 

Note: There may be some records relating to inter-agency or external committees dealing with operational matters that warrant retention as State archives, particularly where the records of the committee document decision making with respect to the organisation's core functions or responsibilities or consideration of matters attracting significant public interest. This should be assessed as part of the development of an organisation's functional retention and disposal authority and where warranted the records of the relevant committee/s should be included in the organisation's own functional retention and disposal authority.

Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy

NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under General retention and disposal authority: local government records (GA39) at CORPORATE MANAGEMENT-Meetings 4.9.

Scenario 6: Your agency is planning a new program or service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

General authority: administrative records (GA28) - Customer service

2.6.1 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Customer service

Final, approved versions of charters, standards or guarantees relating to the provision of services to clients.

Retain minimum of 2 years after superseded, then destroy

2.6.2 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Customer service

Records relating to the development and review of charters, standards or guarantees relating to the provision of services to clients. Records include:

  • background research
  • draft versions containing significant changes/alterations or formally circulated for comment
  • reports analysing issues and the outcomes of consultation with employees, unions, and/or other stakeholders.

Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy

2.6.3 COMMUNITY RELATIONS - Customer service

Records relating to the administration of specialised customer services, e.g. help desks, websites, interpreters, services for disabled customers, outreach services, etc.

Retain minimum of 2 years after action completed, then destroy

NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under General retention and disposal authority: local government records (GA39) at COMMUNITY SERVICES-Service Provision 3.7.

Scenario 7: Your agency’s staff are applying for sick leave or other emergency leave in response to personal issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

General authority: administrative records (GA28) Personnel - Leave, attendance and absences

15.7.1 PERSONNEL - Leave, attendance and absences

Summary details of leave taken by employees. Includes name, type of leave, dates taken, and approval.

Retain minimum of 75 years after date of birth of employee or minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer, then destroy

15.7.2 PERSONNEL - Leave, attendance and absences

Records documenting approvals for leave without pay in excess of 6 months, extended (long service) leave and study leave. Includes briefing notes and other supporting documentation.

Retain minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, then destroy

15.7.3 PERSONNEL - Leave, attendance and absences

Records documenting applications for leave. Records include leave requests and applications, and associated supporting documentation.

Note: Where an appropriate summary record of leave taken by an employee is not available, approved applications will need to be retained for a minimum period of 75 years after date of birth or 7 years after employment ceases, whichever is longer.

Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy

15.7.4 PERSONNEL - Leave, attendance and absences

Attendance records for employees, including flexitime sheets, time sheets and attendance sheets.

Note: Licensees of children's services should meet the minimum retention requirements for these records outlined in National or NSW laws and regulations applying to early childhood education and care providers.

Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy

15.7.5 PERSONNEL - Leave, attendance and absences

Records documenting the management of rosters where these are not required or used to record attendance, e.g. where the signed attendance or time sheet is the accountable record of hours worked.

Retain minimum of 6 months after action completed, then destroy

NOTE: Equivalent entries can be found under General retention and disposal authority Local Government records (GA39) at PERSONNEL-Leave 22.12.

Scenario 8: Your organisation is monitoring compliance with Public Health Orders. This includes reporting confirmed or suspected employee cases of COVID-19 and confirming vaccination status and travel permits.

This will include the following records: 

  • Employees demonstrating and/or providing proof of vaccination, test results, or travel permits
  • Sighting an employee's vaccination certificate and creating a record to register certification, or annotating the employee's record. Vaccination certificates should be returned to the employee or deleted after sighting the copy of the certificate. 

In this scenario, risk assess the following options to decide which is the most appropriate for the situation:

General authority: administrative records (GA28) – Occupation Health & Safety – Health promotion –

– Health Promotion

Records relating to the management and administration of programs to promote a healthy working environment, such as routine immunisation and health monitoring programs. Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy


Health promotion records relating to an individual employee, including:

  • reports of health monitoring or notifications or certificates of immunisation or vaccination
  • reports/notifications of outcomes of medical examinations to determine fitness for duty.

See PERSONNEL - Recruitment for records relating to medical examinations performed for recruitment purposes.

Retain minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, then destroy

General authority: local government records (GA39) – Personnel – Occupational Health & Safety –

22.15.3 PERSONNEL – Occupational Health & Safety Records relating to the management and administration of programs to promote a healthy working environment, such as routine immunisation and health monitoring programs. Retain minimum of 7 years after action completed, then destroy

General authority: local government records (GA39) – Personnel – Establishment –

PERSONNEL - Establishment

Records documenting the appointment and service of permanent, temporary or casual employees where an adequate summary record is held (see 22.9.4). Records include:

  • offer of appointment
  • code of conduct
  • service records
  • details of any extenuating circumstances e.g. bankruptcy.
Retain minimum of 7 years after employment ceases, then destroy
Recordkeeping Advice
Recordkeeping A-Z