Records retention and disposal authorities identify those records created and received by NSW public offices which are required as State archives and provide approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met.

This page contains current general and functional records retention and disposal authorities that have been approved for use by State Records NSW. Please contact if you have any questions or cannot find an authority.

A Note About Approval

  1. The approval for disposal given by authorities issued by State Records NSW is given under the provisions of the State Records Act only and does not override any other obligations of an organisation to retain records.
  2. A public office must not dispose of any records where the public office is aware of possible legal action (including Inquiries and Royal Commissions, legal discovery, court cases, formal applications for access) where the records may be required as evidence.

Directory of retention and disposal authorities arranged by public office

The following spreadsheet provides a linked directory of records retention and disposal authorities that a public office may use to dispose of records or transfer them as State archives. 

General authorities (that apply to all public offices) and a reference to the Normal Administrative Practice guidelines have been included to provide a complete picture of instruments. A complete list of classes of records that are required as State archives has also been included for quick reference (only use classes that are issued to the relevant public office).

Directory of Retention and Disposal Authorities.xls 

Disposal authorities highlighted in red are over 10 years old and require a review. Identified gaps in the disposal coverage have also been noted.
Please email if you have any enquiries or think there are errors.

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List of Retention and Disposal Authorities

General authorities

Below are links to general authorities that can be used by all public offices. For authorities applying to local government, health, Commissions of Inquiry, higher and further education and Ministers' Offices see the relevant alphabetical entry below. 



Aboriginal affairs and land rights FA290 PDF

Aboriginal Land Council, NSW FA436 PDF 

Adoptions and child protection FA318 PDF

Ageing, disability and home care FA306 PDF

Ambulance services FA394 PDF

Animal care, conservation and research (Taronga) FA398 PDF

Animal cruelty inspectorate records GDA25 PDF

Anti-Discrimination FA410 PDF

Applications for authorisation to exercise powers for law enforcement purposes GA38 PDF (applies to Local, District and Supreme Courts, and Surveillance Devices Commissioner) 

Architects registration FA274 PDF

Art Gallery of NSW FA402 PDF

Arts and culture policy and development FA372 PDF

Audio visual programs and recordings (GDA11). Revoked July 2021 see GA28

Audit Office of NSW FA353 PDF

Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) FA364 PDF and GA43 PDF

Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency FA393 PDF and GA43 PDF

Australian Museum FA402 PDF


Births, Deaths and Marriages FA413 PDF

Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands FA402 PDF, XLS

Building Commissioner FA430 PDF

Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research FA250 PDF



Cabinet FA254 PDF

Cancer research:

Casino regulation FA424 PDF

Catchment management (Local Land Services) FA399 PDF. (Supersedes GDA20 and GA29).

Cemeteries and crematoria operations FA428 PDF

Cemeteries and crematoria regulation (CCNSW) FA429 PDF (Please note that this authority does not apply to operators such as Councils - Councils are approved to use FA428).

Child protection FA318 PDF

Childcare services FA404 PDF (Please note that operators such as Councils can only use 1.1.0 of this authority). Where FA404 refers to standards for minimum retention periods for records, the current standards are the Education and Care Services National Regulations S183(2) 

Children and Young People, Advocate for FA414 PDF

Children's Court FA442 PDF

Children's Court Clinic FA319 PDF

Children's Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) FA364 PDF and GA43 PDF

Children's Guardian FA362 PDF 

Coal Services Pty Limited FA241 PDF and FA249 PDF

Combat Sports Authority of New South Wales FA421 PDF

Commissions of Inquiry GA31 PDF

Community Justice Centres/ Alternative Dispute Resolution FA338 PDF

Community services, adoptions and child protection FA318 PDF 

Community Services Commission - See NSW Ombudsman authority

Conservation and environment DA216 PDF

Construction industry compliance monitoring FA354 PDF

Consumer disputes (NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal) FA361 PDF

Consumer protection FA430 PDF 

Coroner's Court FA442 PDF

Corrective services FA408 PDF


  • Applications received by Supreme, District and Local Courts for authorisation to exercise powers for law enforcement purposes GA38 PDF 
  • Children's, Coroner's, District, Local Court and Industrial Magistrate's Court and all pre-1900 Court proceedings FA442 PDF 
  • Court recordings and transcripts FA395 PDF
  • Courts: sentencing guidance, judicial education, and examination of complaints (Judicial Commission of NSW) FA292 PDF
  • Land and Environment: FA228 PDF
  • Supreme Court (see below under Supreme Court)

Crime Commission FA412 (not available for download)

Crime statistics and research FA250 PDF

Crown Lands

  • Crown Lands FA438
  • Crown lands disputes (NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal) FA361 PDF
  • Crown lands management, deed and land titles registration FA293 PDF

Crown Solicitor FA405 PDF

Culture and arts policy and development FA372 PDF

Cultural, recreational and sporting institutions FA402 PDF, XLS

Custodial services inspections & Official Visitors program FA432 PDF


Dams Safety FA396 PDF

Development authorities and corporations FA260 PDF

Development, Land and property (Landcom) DA190 PDF

Disability, ageing and home care FA306 PDF

District Court proceedings FA442 PDF

Dust Diseases Board, Workers' Compensation FA324 PDF

Dust Diseases Tribunal FA422 PDF




Election funding FA297 PDF

Election management (Electoral Commission and Electoral Districts Commissioners) FA357 PDF

Emergency Information Coordination FA251 PDF

Emergency management

Energy network operators GA40 PDF

Energy policy, programs and regulation FA381 PDF 

Energy retailing GA37 PDF

Energy sector - transfer of ownership GA41 PDF

Environment and conservation DA216 PDF and FA314 PDF

Estate management (NSW Trustee and Guardian) FA371 PDF


Film and television production and promotion (Screen NSW) DA210 PDF

Financial management (NSW Treasury) FA342 PDF

Fire, rescue and emergency management FA392 PDF

Food safety management FA284 PDF

Forensic medicine FA427 PDF

Forestry Management FA400 PDF



Gambling regulation FA424 PDF

Geographic naming FA441 PDF

Government House Sydney FA388 PDF

Greyhound Welfare & Integrity Commission FA424 PDF

Growth centre development FA262 PDF

Guardianship disputes and services  FA361 PDF



  • Health Care Complaints Commission FA340 PDF
  • Health Ministry: FA418 PDF
  • Health Pathology GDA17 and FA427 PDF (Forensic medicine)
  • Health practitioners registration and accreditation FA393 PDF
  • Health practitioners - complaints about performance and conduct of health practitioners; pharmacy registration, and education of health practitioners (Professional Councils and Health Professional Councils Authority) FA380 PDF
  • Health - public patient records GDA17
  • Health - public patient administrative records GDA21 PDFXLS
  • Health - statewide health services such as Agency for Clinical Innovation, Bureau of Health Information, Clinical Excellence Commission and Health Education Training Institute GA44 PDF, XLS

Heritage management (Heritage Council of NSW) FA271 PDF 

Higher and further education & research GA47 PDF, Excel, Index Mapping table PDF 

Home building disputes (NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal) FA361 PDF

Housingsocial housing services FA435 

Hunting regulation FA417 PDF 



Independent Commission Against Corruption FA386 PDF

Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority FA424 PDF

Independent Planning Commission FA245 PDF 

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal FA351 PDF

Industrial Magistrate's Court FA442 PDF

Industrial Relations Commission FA310 PDF, FA302 PDF and FA296PDF

Information and Privacy Commission FA406 PDF

Infrastructure FA439

Inquiries - Royal Commissions, Special Commissions of Inquiry, Commissions of Inquiry and Inquiries established by Letters Patent or Ministerial Directive GA31 PDF

Inspector of Custodial Services FA432 PDF

Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption FA390 PDF

Inspector of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission FA391 PDF

Insurance - Lifetime Care and Support Authority - care and support of people severely injured in motor vehicle accidents FA373 PDF


Judicial Commission of NSW (sentencing guidance, judicial education, and examination of complaints) FA433 PDF

Jury management (Sheriff's operations) FA333 PDF

Justice - advancing the fairness and equity of the justice system and of improving access to justice (Law and Justice Foundation of NSW) FA0305 PDF



Lake and foreshore management FA231 PDF

Land and Environment Court of NSW FA228 PDF

Land and property development (Landcom) DA190 PDF

Land and property information

  • Land and property information management, land titles and deeds registration FA238 PDF & FA293 PDF
  • Land parcels - title boundaries for individual parcels of land FA279 PDF
  • Mortgages, registration of non-land FA266 PDF

Law Enforcement Conduct Commission FA397 PDF

Law enforcement purposes, Applications for authorisation to exercise powers GA38 PDF (applies to Local, District and Supreme Courts, and Surveillance Devices Commissioner) 

Law Reform Commission FA0323 PDF

Legal Aid Commission FA272 PDF 

Legal Profession Admission Board FA444 PDF

Legal services, advancing the fairness and equity of the justice system and of improving access to justice (Law and Justice Foundation of NSW) FA305 PDF

Legal services, provision of mediation and alternative dispute resolution services to the community (Community Justice Centres/ Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate) FA0338 PDF

Legal services, provision of community legal services (LawAccess NSW) FA337 PDF

Legal services regulation and complaints handling (Office of the Legal Services Commissioner) FA352 PDF

Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council FA325 PDF

Legislative drafting & publication: Parliamentary Counsel's Office FA407 PDF

Lifetime Care and Support Authority FA373 PDF

Liquor regulation FA424 PDF.

Local Courts FA442 PDF

Local Government

  • Local government records (GA39) 
  • Local government records (transfer of ownership following privatisation of functions) GA46 PDF
  • Local Government Boundaries Commission, Local Government Grants Commission, Local Government Pecuniary Interest Tribunal DA185 PDF
  • Local Government Remuneration Tribunal FA248 PDF
  • Oversight of local government DA185 PDF

Local Land Services FA399 PDF

Long Service Corporation: management of long service schemes FA349 PDF



Manly Hydraulics Laboratory FA379 PDF

Medical profession regulation (Medical Board of NSW) FA243 PDF

Mental health advocacy, education, policy and planning (Mental Health Commission) FA369 PDF

Mental Health Review Tribunal FA232 PDF

Mineral resources FA258 PDF

Mining subsidence compensation & advisory services FA434 2023

Ministers' Offices records GDA13 PDF

Motor accidents insurance regulation FA375 PDF

Motor accidents insurance FA373 PDF

Multicultural NSW DA142 PDF

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences FA402 PDF, Excel

Museums of History NSW FA402 PDF, Excel


National bodies (e.g. ACECQA and AHPRA) common administrative records GA43 PDF

National Parks and Wildlife Service FA423 PDF.

Natural Resources Commission FA431 PDF

NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) FA361 PDF



Offender management & youth justice FA408 PDF

Official Visitor program (custodial services) FA432 PDF

Ombudsman, NSW DA205 PDF


Parliament of NSW FA325 FA325 PDF

Parliamentary Counsel's Office FA407 PDF

Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal FA248 PDF

Parole management FA408 PDF

Patient records: public health services only GDA17

Patient administrative records: public health services only GDA21 

Planning and development FA245 PDF 

Police: criminal investigation records DA221 PDF

Police: operational records DA220 PDF

Port and marine services FA409 PDF

Premier and Cabinet

  • Cabinet Secretariat, policy advice and support services to the Government FA254 PDF
  • Government and public sector administration, support, coordination and service delivery FA313 PDF

Primary industries FA443 PDF

Privacy Commission FA406 PDF

Procurement and fleet management FA282 PDF

Protected tenants FA435 2023

Public Prosecutions FA389 PDF

Public Service Commission FA329 PDF

Public Works FA379 PDF

Publishing and advertising, Government FA294 PDF



Racing regulation FA424 PDF

Railways - see Transport 

Research management GA47, 3.0.0. PDF

Revenue collection and administration FA419 PDF

Roads - see Transport

Royal Commissions, Special Commissions of Inquiry, Commissions of Inquiry and Inquiries established by Letters Patent or Ministerial Directive GA31 PDF

Rural Affairs - supporting people and communities in rural NSW FA234 PDF

Rural Assistance Authority - financial assistance and farm debt mediation FA426 PDF

Rural Fire Service FA326 PDF



Schools - primary and secondary (public schools only) FA387 PDF

Screen NSW - Film and television production and promotion DA210 PDF

Serious offenders management FA408 PDF

Service NSW FA425 PDF

Shared corporate services GA30 PDF

Sheriff's operations FA440 PDF

SICorp (Self Insurance Corporation) FA343 PDF

Social housing, housing assistance & protected tenancies FA435 2023

Soil conservation services (Local land services) FA401 PDF

Sporting, cultural and recreational institutions FA402 PDF 

Sport and recreation FA421 PDF and FA402 PDF 

Sporting Injuries Committee and WorkCover Authority FA307 PDF

State Emergency Service, NSW FA359 PDF

State Insurance Regulatory Authority - motor accidents insurance regulation FA375 PDF

State Library of New South Wales FA402 PDF and FA237 PDF

State Records NSW FA402 PDF and FA225 PDF

Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal FA248 PDF

Subsidence Advisory FA434 

Superannuation funds management and scheme administration (SAS Trustee Corporation & Parliamentary Superannuation Contributory Fund) FA327 PDF

Supreme Court of New South Wales

  • FA437 PDF
  • Applications for authorisation to exercise powers for law enforcement purposes GA38

Surveillance Devices Commissioner (GA38)

Surveying and Spatial Information, Board of  FA238 PDF

Survey regulation FA238 PDF

Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust FA402 PDF

Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority FA363 PDF

Sydney Olympic Park Authority FA402 PDF

Sydney Opera House Trust FA402 PDF



Taronga Conservation Society FA398 PDF and FA402 PDF

Telecommunications Services, Government (NSW Telco Authority) FA411 PDF

Television and film production and promotion (Screen NSW) DA210 PDF

Tourism  FA415 PDF

Transport infrastructure FA382 PDF

Transport safety investigations FA264 PDF

Transport strategic planning, network operations, safety and regulation FA403 PDF 

Treasury FA342 PDF

Treasury Corporation FA331 (not available for download)

Trustee and Guardian FA371 PDF



University records GA47 PDF,XLS, and FA402 PDF


Venues and facilities management FA402 PDF

Veterinary Practitioners FA273 PDF

Victims compensation/support payments and compensation FA420 PDF

Video/visual surveillance records (GDA8)  - revoked July 2021. See GA28.


Water resources management FA256 PDF

Water supply and wastewater management FA367 PDF

Western Parkland City Authority FA260 PDF and FA262 PDF

Wild Dog Destruction Board FA265 PDF

WorkCover Authority and Sporting Injuries Committee FA307 PDF

Workers Compensation Commission FA255 PDF

Workers' Compensation Dust Diseases Board FA324 PDF

Workforce planning and management for the public sector (Public Service Commission) FA329 PDF


Youth justice FA408 PDF


Zoological conservation and research FA398 PDF and FA402 PDF

Recordkeeping Rules
Recordkeeping A-Z