This advice describes the process of formulating Counter disaster plans. It supports a public office’s preparedness for, and recovery from natural and man-made disasters affecting records in physical format.

This advice refers to physical records. The storage of digital records on network servers, in data centres, or in the cloud is NOT covered by the scope of this guidance. The protection and recovery of digital records needs be addressed within your Public Office’s business continuity plan.

Revised 2019

Downloadable files

Counter disaster reaction and recovery plan May 2019.pdf

Appendix 1 Wet records - Stabilising and drying methods 2019.pdf

Appendix 2 Packing records in a recovery operation 2019.pdf

Creating and Maintaining your Disaster Bin 2019.pdf

Creating and Maintaining your Disaster Store 2019.pdf

Protocol for assessors for disasters at NSW Government organisations which involve records 2019.pdf

Example workflow - disaster salvage and recovery.pdf

Recordkeeping Advice