
Case Studies

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) is the lead agency for a number of NSW Government programs and services. This case study outlines DPC’s Electronic Document and Records Management (EDRM) Program strategy and the successes the EDRM team has had to date in transitioning their organisation to a fully digital operating environment.

This case study looks briefly at a number of both business process digitisation programs and back-capture digitisation projects being undertaken at the Western Sydney University. The key message of this case study is that planning for digitisation needs to involve determining the business drivers for each project/program and the particular needs of the records. These must inform chosen digitisation approaches, specifications and other requirements – there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

This case study describes a pilot business process digitisation project involving the human resource management records of the NSW Department of Education and Communities. The project highlights the importance of project management and change management for business process digitisation and demonstrates how careful planning can facilitate the automation of metadata collection.