State Records NSW

We provide records management advice, standards, policies and tools to assist NSW public sector bodies to improve official recordkeeping.

Welcome to our new State Records NSW site

We have moved our information to Although we have a new look and feel, our content remains the same.  

Not sure where to find something? Try our new improved search function, or contact

Resources for recordkeeping in government

Learn about the requirements and responsibilities when creating, managing and disposing of State records through State Records NSW's guidance and resources.

Read more
Cartoon image of a machine with a label "Good ecordkeeping"

Our structure

What we do

Cartoon icons of a process in action
Our regulatory framework

Our Regulatory Framework describes our approach to regulating records management, and how we intend to use the powers in the State Records Act 1998 to support our regulatory activities.

Cartoon of a boardroom with a presentation being given
How we monitor compliance

We are the regulator of recordkeeping in NSW. Find out how we monitor compliance in the Government public offices and encourage high quality public services.   

Two cartoon characters, surrounded by others giving the impression they are sending items to each other
Records Management Assessment Tool

The Records Management Assessment Tool is a self-assessment tool focused on the management of records, information and data in NSW public offices, and how these practices align with requirements in the State Records Act.

A cartoon charcter choosing to push between dispose or keep buttons
Retention and Disposal Authorities

Records retention and disposal authorities identify which records created and received by NSW public offices are required as State archives. They provide approval for the destruction of other records after minimum retention periods have been met.

Rules and regulations

Contact State Records NSW

Phone us:02 9714 3080 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding public holidays) 

Accessing the State Archives Collection

To access records held in the State Archives Collection including school files, family history research and NSW government records, please contact Museums of History NSW.

Phone us:02 9673 1788

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