The records and information management policy establishes the governance framework for the creation, capture, control, use, maintenance, and disposal of records and information in your organisation. The records and information management policy works in conjunction with records and information management strategies developed by your organisation. The strategies implement and deliver effective records and information management within the organisation and thus help support and facilitate good business. Further information about records and information management strategies is below.
There are many different styles and templates used for policy within NSW public sector organisations and you should use your organisation’s policy template. The purpose of this checklist is to assist organisations ensure that they have covered the key components in their records and information policy.
Please note that policy should be supported by business rules or detailed procedures on a range of topics, for example:
- the creation and capture of records
- physical storage of records
- monitoring
- disposal
- transfer of archives
- access to records and information
- security and protection of records and information, and
- business continuity strategies and plans for records and information.
Download the Records and information management policy checklist (PDF, 162kb)
Records and information management strategies
Records and information management strategies are at the heart of managing records and information across all operating environments of the organisation. Robust strategies should be designed to meet organisation’s needs and requirements in order to deliver effective records and information management. This in turn ensures that records and information supports and facilitates good business.
Records and information management strategies may include:
- integrating records and information management into work processes, systems and services
- implementing records and information management to ensure that it is accountable and meets business needs
- managing email
- managing risk assessments and use of cloud or similar service arrangements
- managing the use of removable storage
- managing and maintaining the corporate records management system or EDRMS or ECM
- integrating records and information management into business systems and managing and preserving records and information of long term value in these systems
- managing records and information held in social media applications
- managing records and information used with mobile devices or BYOD.
Effective records and information management strategies ensure that:
- information assets are managed responsibly and in accordance with best practice
- accurate, reliable and relevant information can be provided to the business and clients
- the organisation’s investment in their information assets is not wasted: information can be reused and repackaged to enhance business opportunities and stimulate innovation
- records and information are more accessible and useable and available for those with appropriate authority
- costs are reduced as the organisation does not retain records and information unnecessarily
- the organisation can provide stakeholders, with transparency around and accountability for government operations, and
- the organisation is compliant with legislative and audit requirements.
Published May 2015